
[ Create your company ]

http://paulgraham.com/startupmistakes.html Good luck for all of you who want to start a business!! I hope I'll do it soon. While the above applies to forming any company, the next one(s), apply specially to SW companies. http://mikeomatic.net/?p=89 And my own two cents on the creation of a company...
  • Quality above all. That means having / allocating enough time, resource and stress free ambient to have a manageable, enhanceable, maintaneable software. I think that quality first brings you money, not viceversa. Look at microsoft. They dont care for quality, they just car for money, and its slowly costing them.
  • There are a lot of books that tell u not to do certain things, like adding more programmers at the end of a project, or working 'til late constantly. LISTEN TO THEM. I've met a lot of managers that simply don't do that.
  • Constantly cheer and akconowledge your your employees. If my current emplyer did that, i would have been studying or enhancing the app, instead of writing a bblog of how to direct a company.
And some chinese cokiees to keep u going...
  • I never said it would be easy... only that it'll be worthy.

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